Setting Flags

Brainhat maintains a collection of around 260 state flags.  Some are for debug.  Others are for other purposes.  You can see which flags are set under debug:

$ ./run
make: 'data' is up to date.

>> debug

Break in debug at the start:
debug> flags
Global match level = 1
Match level = 1
 debug, start

The same flag may be set multiple times.  It is only "unset" when there are no copies of the flag left in the list.  

To set a flag, use the "set" command:

debug> set addtocontext

This sets the flag "addtocontext."  Check to see that the flag is set:

debug> flags
Global match level = 1
Match level = 1
 debug, start

We see "addtocontext" among the flags.  What does it do? It sets debug output for one of the many grammar post-processing routines, addtocontext():

debug> exit

>> i love my dog
addtocontext: testing concept = Root-05f68bd2
Adding recently cloned con speaker-1,{dirty}.
Labelling just cloned con: dog-n1 to dog-aaf0.
Adding recently cloned con dog-aaf0,{dirty}.
 You love your dog.
addtocontext: testing concept = Root-05f68c0a

A complete list of the state flags can be found in constant.h, in the second block of constant declarations. 

State flags can also be set on the command line, like so:

$ ./brainhat +repeat +addtocontext

>> i love my dog
addtocontext: testing concept = Root-05f68b9b
Adding recently cloned con speaker-1,{dirty}.
Labelling just cloned con: dog-n1 to dog-aab9.
Adding recently cloned con dog-aab9,{dirty}.
 You love your dog.
addtocontext: testing concept = Root-05f68bd3
