webserver (2)

 Brainhat Monitor GUI

Brainhat has an interface from which you can test interactions and monitor inter-process communications. You can start the GUI with the following command line: $ ./brainhat -W +repeat >> The internal webserver listens on port 4145. If you wish to use a different port, add the "-p" flag and a different port number. Connect to the GUI at: http://localhost:4145/gui.html You should see a page that looks similar to this: This screen shares a session with the command line; what you update here…

Embedded Webserver Commands

Brainhat serves web content from the html subdirectory. Some commands can be embedded in html content. This is how an embedded command is structured: <?brainhat ...some command... ?> Any debug command can be embedded. Here is a sample web page demonstrating with the debug command "version": <html> <head> <title>Brainhat Web Page</title> </head> <body> This page tests debug through the web interface. <p> The output appears below: <div class="command-output"> &nbsp; <p> <pre> <?brainhat debug version?> </pre> <p> &nbsp; </div> <p> End of test. <p>…