111 Founders Plaza
13th Floor
East Hartford, CT 06108
(860) 291-0851
| |
The grammar that
Brainhat uses can be found in file input-patterns in the
data subdirectory. The snippet below is a near approximation,
taken from the VoiceXML distribution of Brainhat.
#JSGF V1.0;
grammar dialog;
public <top> = <csent> | yes | no | goodbye;
<csent> = <sent>
because <sent> | <sent> | <question>;
<sent> = <csubobj-prep>
<tobe> <ccattr> |
there <tobe> <csubobj> <ccattr> |
<csubobj-prep> <tobe-not> <ccattr> |
<csubobj-prep> <tobe> [not] <csubobj-prep> |
<csubobj-prep> <tobe-not> <csubobj-prep> |
<greeting> |
<csubobj-prep> [<enablers>] [not] <actions> <csubobj-prep>
<csubobj-prep> [<enablers>] [not] <actions>
<adverbs> |
<imperative> <csubobj> [<adverbs>];
<question> = what <tobe> <csubobj>
<attribute> |
what <tobe> <attribute> |
what <tobe> <csubobj> |
why <tobe> <csubobj> <ccattr> |
why <enablers> <csubobj> <actions> <csubobj-prep>
why <enablers> <csubobj-prep> <actions> <csubobj-prep>
why |
<enablers> <csubobj> <actions> [<csubobj-prep>]
how <ccattr> <tobe> <csubobj-prep> |
how <tobe> <csubobj-prep> |
how <ccattr> |
<tobe> <csubobj> [not] <ccattr> |
<tobe> <csubobj-prep> [not] <ccattr> |
<tobe> <csubobj-prep> [not] <csubobj-prep> |
who <enablers> <csubobj-prep> <actions> |
who [<enablers>] <actions> <csubobj-prep> |
what <enablers> <csubobj-prep> <actions> |
who <tobe> <csubobj> |
who <tobe> <ccattr> |
who <tobe> <csubobj-prep> <prep> |
what <attribute> <tobe> <csubobj-prep> |
where <tobe> <csubobj-prep> <prep> |
where <tobe> <csubobj-prep> |
where <prep> <csubobj> <tobe> <csubobj> |
where |
what happened [to <csubobj-prep>];
<csubobj-prep> =
<subobj> <ccattr-prep> |
<csubobj> = <subobj> and <subobj>
<subobj> = [<article>]
[<cattr>] <things> |
<ccattr> = [not] <prep>
<subobj> |
<cattr> =
[<emphases>] <attribute> |
(his | hers | theirs | your | my) |
<ccattr-prep> =
[not] <prep> <subobj>;
<adverbs> = <adverb> |
<ccattr-prep> |
<greeting> = hello | hi | good (morning |
<emphases> = very | a little | extremely
| not;
<tobe> = are | is
| were | was | am;
<tobe-not> = aren't | isn't | weren't |
<things> = weather |
weatherman | beer | roof | friend | lightening |
brain hat | you | i | he | she | me | we | they | egypt | them |
snow | graveyard | egypt | ireland | speaker | sun | yourself |
rain | thing | anything | something | princess |
guest | house | building | hospital | museum | restaurant |
river | water | sex | ball | slinky | block | toy |
new york | middle east | france | europe | U.S. | him | her
desk | computer | phone | telephone | chair | spider |
spiders | head | hand | eyes | statue | arm | arms | stone
thief | curator | shoes | sneakers | skirt | dress | pants |
jeans | suit | shirt | blouse | sweater | lucy | keyboard |
monitor | program | name | food | special | specials |
fish | bluefish | meat | side dish | beans | fries | hamburger |
hamburgers | hotdog | hotdogs | cola | milk | menu | money;
<article> = a | an | the | one |
two | three | another | some | that |
any | all;
<attribute> = hot | cold | wet | sorry | happy
| sad | dead | rainy |
shining | stupid | dumb | cool | good | smart | naked |
hungry | thirsty | ready | new | dry | bad | sour |
valuable | red | blue | square | round | oval | green |
loud | color | size | big | small | black | pink |
white | yellow | grey | silver | brown | huge | height |
tall | short | shape | soft | hard | broken | lost |
missing | afraid | crashed | surprised | warm;
<prep> = in | on
| under | near | with | to | about | next to | at |
above | behind | from | there | here;
<actions> = hear | hears | heard |
like | likes | liked | want |
wants | wanted | wants to | want to | wanted to |
discuss | discussed | talk | talks | talked |
talk about | talks about | talked about | see |
sees | saw | smell | smelled | smells | wrote |
speak | speaks | spoke | steal | stole | steals |
put | puts | suck | sucked | sucks |
say | says | said | need | needed | needs |
hate | hates | hated | love | loved | loves | has |
have | had | get | gets | got | give | gave | gives |
wear | wears | wore | fear | fears | crash | crashes |
know | knows | knew | knock out;
<imperative> = describe | tell | ask | mail;
<enablers> = should | would | could | did
| do | does | doesn't |
didn't | will | can | can't | cannot | won't;
<adverb> = slowly;
<not> =