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Brainhat - Technical Specifications


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Kevin Dowd
111 Founders Plaza
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East Hartford, CT 06108
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Technical Overview

Consider that many of the things that you "know" come from experiences that you have never had. That's one of the striking qualities of language; we can share the experiences of others separated from us by space and time. And though we lack first-hand knowledge, it doesn't prevent us speaking with authority about, say, the depth of the ocean, even though we have never seen the bottom.

In the same way, Brainhat can function with no real knowledge of the world, given a sufficient foundation of brokered facts to build upon. For brainhat, this boot-strap collection is called the basic knowledge pool.

The elements of the basic knowledge pool represent simple ideas, like a ball, or the color red. These ideas are connected hierarchically to others--e.g. balls are toys, and red is a color. Links between the elements define the hierarchy's structure. Everything is the child of something else, and some are the child or parent of many.

define   woman-1
         label          woman
         child          human-1
         person         first
         related        man-1

define   human-1
         label          human
         label          person
         child          mammal-1
         wants          mood-1

define   mammal-1
         label          mammal
         label          creature
         child          animal-1

define   animal-1
         label          animal
         child          things

Using the basic knowledge pool as a starting point, these simple concepts can be combined to form arbitrarily complex relationships. Within brainhat, these structures are called Complex Concepts (CC)--ideas made from other ideas. CCs can represent elementary assertions, e.g. "the ball is red." They can be propositions, such as "if the golden sun is shining then beautiful people are happy." They can also be statements of cause-and-effect--"mario is happy because he saw the princess." CCs can even represent questions. (Doing research? Search for "descriptive transformational grammars").

Brainhat casts these Complex Concepts into inverted trees. The constituent concepts hang from their "roots", like mobiles of ideas. The more abstract parts of the idea (e.g. cause-and-effect) live near the top. The actors and their attributes (golden sun, beautiful people) live near the bottom. The links between them define their relationships to each other.

                      o Root
                     / \
                    /   \
            CAUSE  /     \  EFFECT
                  /       \
               Root        mario
              / |  \           \
            /   |    \           \
           /    |      princess   happy
      mario     | VERB

At runtime, CCs (e.g. "the ball is red") are assembled, destroyed, evaluated, compared and archived. Many live short lives as tendered (though incorrect) interpretations of something the user may have said. Others are deductions, generated from within the program. A few CCs survive to become part of the context of the conversation in progress, and to be added to the pool of things "known."

Brainhat's disarmingly human-like qualities of understanding, learning, answering questions and speculating are simply the products of creation and manipulation of CCs. Parsing and pattern matching rules tell brainhat how to cast particular fragments of speech into CCs, or how to recognize a stored idea within a CC. Processing routines manipulate the CCs to change their meaning, or combine them to make new. Brainhat navigates through ambiguity in language by evaluating each CC against itself (vertically), to see whether it makes sense alone, and against a context buffer (horizontally), to see how it fairs against ideas that came before.
Some examples will show the prototype at work: In this first segment, brainhat learns about a couple of objects, and answers some questions. Each sentence input is echoed to verify its meaning.

>> the red ball is round
the ball is round
>> the blue ball is oval
the ball is oval
>> what shape is the red toy ?
ball is round is red
>> what color is the oval toy ?
ball is oval is blue

This next segment shows Brainhat exercising a chain of reasoning, and explaining the outcome. The notion that "A is near B implies B is near A" is part of the basic knowledge pool, and preceeds this example.

>> if luigi sees the princess then luigi is happy
if luigi sees the princess then he is glad
>> if luigi is near the princess then luigi can see the princess
if luigi is near the princess then he sees she
>> the princess is near luigi
the princess is near luigi
>> is luigi near the princess ?
he is near she yes
>> is luigi happy ?
luigi is near princess is glad yes
>> why is he happy
luigi is glad because he sees the princess

Because Brainhat organizes concepts hierarchically, it can apply more general cases to specific events. For instance:

>> if a person is near a thing then the person can see the thing
if a person is near a thing then the person see the thing
>> mario is near a ball
mario is near a ball
>> can mario see the ball
he see a ball yes
>> why can he see the ball
mario see a ball because he is near a ball
>> can mario see a block

Underneath, parsing and processing is directed by pattern templates and post-processing routines.

/* Where is x?
define   sent-where
         label            question
         rule             where $c`tobe`0! $r`csubobj`1
         map              VERB,SUBJECT
         postp            SPEAK
         postp            CHOOSEONE
         postp            PULLWHERES
         postp            TOBECOMPACT
         postp            PUSHTENSE
         postp            REQUIREWHERES
For example, the lines above tell brainhat how to parse and evaluate a question of the form "where <tobe> <something>" (such as "where are the happy people ?"). The "rule" line gives the basic format. Sub-rules expand the "something" portion ($r`csubobj`) and "to-be" ($c`tobe`) portion of the question. A "map" directive tells how the components should be assembled into a CC. Finally, modular post-processing routines (postp statements) reformat the resulting CCs. Each applies some simple processing, typically modifying the shape of the CCs that are passed-in, and handing them off to the routine that appears above it in the list.

New rules extend brainhat's ability to understand. As an example, modifying the program to recognize the "where" question in a different format is a matter of adding a second syntax rule to the definition above, like so:

$r`csubobj`1! $c`tobe`0! where

This new pattern would match a question like "mario was where ?"

Brainhat also uses pattern matching to identify structures within CCs. Syntactically, CC pattern templates look very much like input pattern templates.


The CC pattern match rule above, for example, matches any of "red ball", "blue ball", "red block", "pink toy", and others. The common elements are that {red,blue,pink} and {ball,block,toy} are all "children" of colors and toys, respectively.

This introduction was intented simply to introduce the elements of brainhat programming. The sections that follow give more in depth (though certainly not exhaustive) overviews of Brainhat patterns and knowledge pool programming.

Basic Knowledge Pool

Brainhat learns about the relationships between basic concepts at start-up. The notions that balls are toys, that pink is a shade of red, for example, are things that you tell brainhat in advance. Everything else (e.g. the ball is in the river) are learned as brainhat executes.

Elements of the basic knowledge pool are kept in a file called data9.in in the data directory (this will change in later releases). Each concept that you want brainhat to know about starts with a DEFINE statement. The definition continues until brainhat reaches another DEFINE or end-of-file. Within a definition are a number of tags that identify a concepts relationships to others around it. Note that concepts can be defined in any order. However, all references should satisfied; if you refer to another concept from within a definition, it should exist. A number of tag types are available. A comprehensive list appears at the end of this section. 

define   block-1
         label         block
         child         toy-1
         wants         color-1
         wants         size-1

The sample above describes a block. The definition has a unique name, block-1. It also has a label, block by which you may refer to a "block" in conversation with brainhat. Multiple definitions may have the label block (a block can also be a technique in American football, for example), however the definition names should be unique. A concept can have multiple labels, and so be known by multiple names. Each label would appear on a line by itself.

The child tag identifies block1 as a more specific example of a toy-1. Concepts can be children of any number of other concepts (or none). Care should be taken not to create cycles: no concept should be its own parent.

A wants tag identifies a preference for certain other concepts that might be used in combination with it. By saying that block-1 "wants" color, for instance, we are specifying that if brainhat sees a block discussed in combination with a reference to a color, we should bias our thinking towards the toy, in lieu of a football technique.
                    o  block-1
                  / | \
           CHILD /  |  \  WANTS	
                / WANTS \
               /    |    \
       toy-1  o     |     \
                    |      o size-1

In some cases, we want to identify a concept's uniqueness with respect to some parent. Colors red and blue, for example, are unique with respect to color. In conversation, I might refer first to a "red ball," and then to a "blue ball." Because of your experience with the uniqueness of color, you (as a person) will automatically assume that I am talking about two different balls. Brainhat makes the leap by looking at the balls' attributes, and noting their orthogonality.

define   blue-1
         label                  blue
         child                  color-1
         orthogonal   color-1

define   red-1
         label                  red
         child                  color-1
         orthogonal   color-1

define   pink-1
         label                  pink
         child                  red-1
         orthogonal   color-1

Brainhat makes special consideration for concepts that are both orthogonal and have a parent/child relationship. Pink will not be orthogonal to red, but both will be orthogonal to blue.

The ultimate parent(s) of each concept determines what part of speech it can play. Nouns must be children of things; adjectives are children of attribute-1; verbs are children of action-1; prepositions are children of preposition; articles are children of article-1 (which is a child of attribute-1), and so on. The lineage of a ball, for example, may be ball->toy-1->things, which makes it a candidate to fill a noun slot.

Actions (verbs) require some special handling. Brainhat needs the freedom to handle various verb tenses. Accordingly, verb tenses should be organized as children of the infinitive. Special tags define the tense, number and person of each verb. From these, brainhat can choose an appropriate tense, number and person when speaking.

define   tosee-1
         label         to see
         child         sense-1

define   see-1
         label         see
         child         tosee-1
         number        plural
         tense         present
         person        third

define   sees-1
         label         sees
         tense         present
         person        third
         number        single
         child         tosee-1

define   saw-1
         label         saw
         child         tosee-1
         number        single
         tense         past
         person        third

The definitions above create the infinitive form to see, and a couple of subordinate forms. As a minimum, the infinitive and the third person singular present form of the verb should be defined.

Input Processing

Brainhat (as it exists today) attempts to match user input against a set of input patterns, one at a time, until it finds a fit. (See the file data/input-patterns). The "fit" is a parts-of-speech match; it does not presuppose the meaning of the matched text. Rather, many permutations may be generated, with many different meanings. "Boy saw bat," for instance, might generate CCs that represent "bat" as a winged mammal, and as an wooden baseball mallet. "Saw" could mean "viewed," or it could mean "cut in half."

As a simplification, a rule that matches "boy saw bat" might look like this:

define   xxx
         label   sentence
         rule    $c`things`0! $c`actions`1! $c`things`2
         map     SUBJECT,VERB,OBJECT

Patterns components corresponding to "boy", "saw" and "bat" appear in the corresponding locations. The $c`parent`x construct says that brainhat should attempt to match a word of type parent, and assign it to the xth position. The "!" character indicates the termination of a pattern component. It may or may not be needed, depending on the character that follows.

This pattern is pretty inflexible; all parts must be present and in the prescribed order. The good news is that the pattern can match a wide variety of input; the sentence "ball hit wall" could fit the pattern as well.

When an input pattern matches, many compound concepts (CCs) are created. Each is a permutation representing a possible interpretation of the input. The map directive describes what the resulting CCs should look like. There will always be a root node. From that, components hang down, one level deep.

            o Root
      VERB/ | \SUBJECT
         /  |  \
    hit o   |   o ball
            o wall

The map directive in our example will create CCs like the one pictured above. In some cases, one of the components may be specifically nominated as the "Root." As an example, the pattern below would match gorilla-like declarations such as "girl happy" or "ball red."

define   xxx2
         label   sentence
         rule    $c`things`0! $c`attribute-1`1
         map     ROOT,ATTRIBUTE

The map directive will generate forms that Brainhat will interpret as "girl is happy" or "ball is red" by attaching the attributes to their subjects. The subject will assume the "Root" position. The resulting CC would look like this:

            o girl
              \ ATTRIBUTE
                o happy

Of course, most sentences aren't as simple as the ones in these examples. A mildly complicated idea may parse into CCs many levels deep. And the sentence structure may vary widely. Accordingly, CCs are typically constructed from other CCs. Matching decends and rises, striving to build from the bottom up. Expanding a previous example a little, we might match more complicated utterances such as "the boy saw the bat," or "the boy saw mary" using the patterns below:

define   xxx3
         label   sentence
         rule    $r`subobj`0! $c`actions`1! $r`subobj`2
         map     SUBJECT,VERB,OBJECT

define   zzz
         label   subobj
         rule    [$c`article`0! ]$c`things`1
         map     ATTRIBUTE,ROOT

Rules can invoke other rules: the r`subobj'x construct instructs Brainhat to attempt sub-rules of the type subobj and assign matches to the SUBJECT position. By virtue of delegation the construction of individual components (subject, object, etc.) to other rules we can construct multi-level CCs. (Note: rules most not invoke themselves.)

            o Root
      VERB/ | \SUBJECT
         /  |  \
    saw o   |   o boy
            |    \
            o mary \
                    o the

Rule components that appear in "[]"'s are optional. They are mapped if they appear in the input stream, and ignored otherwise.
There may be multiple rules sharing a common label. These will be tried one after another whenever $r`label` is invoked. The first match wins. Accordingly, order matters: the current version of Brainhat loads the rules into memory such that the most complicated (least likely to match) form should appear first, followed by the simplest form, and then by increasingly more difficult forms.
Upon making a successful match, Brainhat skewers the permutation candidates (CCs) together and passes them to post processing routines. These routines may change the shape of the CCs, eliminate a few, or use them for speech or to direct further processing.
/* Where is x? */
define   sent-where
         label            question
         rule             where $c`tobe`0! $r`csubobj`1
         map              VERB,SUBJECT
         postp            SPEAK
         postp            CHOOSEONE
         postp            PULLWHERES
         postp            TOBECOMPACT
         postp            PUSHTENSE
         postp            REQUIREWHERES
Post processing routine selection starts at the bottom and proceeds upwards. In this example, the routines are working to answer a question about location of something. A CCs represents the question at hand. Assume that a previous sentence told Brainhat that "the boy is in the water." Before any post-processing, the question "where is the boy?" might look like this:
                o Root
               / \
      SUBJECT /   \ VERB
             /     \
        boy o       o is
           / \      |
         /     \    |
  water o    in o   o present

Briefly, REQUIREWHERES tacks a REQUIRES tag onto each of the permutation CCs. The tag indicates that a prepositional phrase is a must-have for answering the question. PUSHTENSE grabs the tense of the verb and applies it to the requirement, making it further restrictive:
         Root o 
    SUBJECT / | \ VERB
           /  |  \
          /   |   o is
         /    |   |
        o boy |   |
        |     |   |
    ATTRIBUTE |   |
        |     |   |
   Root o     |   |TENSE
       / \    |   |
 OBJPREP PREP |   o present
     /     \  |
    o       o | REQUIRES
  water    in |
              | TENSE
         Root o-------o present
           /     \
    thing o       o preposition

Routine TOBECOMPACT changes the shape of the CC by removing the verb and placing the subject in the role of "Root." PULLWHERES makes multiple copies of the CC. Each is the same as the original except that all but one prepositional phrase remains per copy. (In our example there is only one prepositional phrase anyway: "in the water.")

          boy o 
           /  |
          /   |
         /    |
   Root o     |
       / \    |
     /     \  |
    o       o | REQUIRES
  water    in |
              | TENSE
         Root o-------o present
             / \
           /     \
    thing o       o preposition

CHOOSEONE selects the best result, and SPEAK voices it.

Post processing routines are many in number and function.


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